RPL is a process that is used to assess one’s prior work experience and prior formal or informal study against a nationally recognized qualification. Work experience can include on the job learning. Prior formal study includes TAFE or university courses, while informal study includes attendance at conferences and workshops as well as internal non-accredited training.

RPL is a form of assessment that acknowledges skills and knowledge gained through:
- Formal training conducted by industry or education
- Work experience
- Life experience
The main principle of RPL focuses on the outcomes rather than when or where the learning occurred. Evidence of competency is collected by the student and submitted to the nominated assessor and assessment is made based on the required industry standard within the relevant training package unit of competency.
How we recognize Your Prior Learning..
Our methodology aims to provide flexible assessment opportunities for skilled workers to have the opportunity to be assessed and recognised in their work-based skill set. This may include those who have studied internationally, lived abroad or completed non-accredited courses and require support in their LLN requirements.
Assessors ensure the quality of their decision-making process by using Third Party Reports to cross check assessment outcomes if reasonable adjustment is applied or to make an assessment decision. The assessors would ensure that any evidence provided by the candidate or learner is weak or insufficient during the assessment process of their RPL, more emphasis will be relied upon by the assessors to conduct a competency conversation in more detail to enable a professional judgment is made without bias or discrimination in the assessment outcome.
For more details on this process please